Monday, July 6, 2015

Bankers sacked after filming mock IS execution of Asian worke - from TRUNEWS

SIX bankers were sacked yesterday for pretending to behead an Asian workmate in a mock IS execution — while yelling “Allahu Akbar”.

The HSBC workers filmed the sick stunt while on a team-building exercise then posted it online.

The video shows them dressed in jumpsuits and balaclavas similar to those worn by the Islamic fanatics and using a coat hanger as a pretend knife.

The “assassins” laugh and joke as a colleague, who has been named as Saf Ahmed, kneels down to be “executed”.

One banker then yells: “Allahu Akbar” — Arabic for “God is great” — which IS executioners scream as they murder hostages.

The film was posted on Instagram. It was later deleted but not before it was seen by appalled co-workers.

HSBC yesterday sacked all involved and apologised.

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