Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Palestinian envoy says Jews plotting world domination - from TRUNEWS

At a peace conference in Chile, the Palestinian ambassador to the country cited the Czarist anti-Semitic tract The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as proof that Zionism was created to hide a Jewish plan for world domination.

Imad Nabil Jadaa also told the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel, held in Santiago, Chile, on May 15, that there is “no Jewish People” and that Palestinians don’t recognize the existence of a Jewish people. An English translation of his comments was only recently made public.

“Until 1896 when a group of academic intellectuals, financial advisers, majority being non-Jewish Europeans, decided to create the Zionist movement with one pretext/excuse; the creation of a homeland for the Jewish people,” he said. “Although the truth is that this (the goal) is to protect their plans of dominating life in the entire planet.”

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