Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Latest DNC leak exposes Clinton’s prep for defending fraud - from TRUNEWS

(DailyCaller) Leaked documents from a hack into the Democratic National Committee reveal Democrats prepared extensively for attacks on the Clinton Foundation and a host of other issues.

One 40-page document contains a litany of attacks on the Clinton Foundation. “Some conservatives used the foreign donations controversy to imply that the Clinton Foundation is not a charity and question the foundation’s charitable work,” reads one section of the document.

Another reads: “The Clinton Health Access Initiative did not disclose donors or submit foreign donations for state department review while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state despite being bound by a disclosure agreement with the Obama administration.”
These are all previously reported stories, and the purpose of the document seems to be to list potential attacks from Republican opponents. The documents were leaked by hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” who claims to have gained access to the DNC servers in the summer of 2015 and was kicked out of them on June 12.

One document, titled “Check In Memo 2-20-15 2,” shows a research staffer at the DNC speaking about projects he is working on. “Countering Republican attacks on Clinton’s record: Hillary’s missed votes — we should talk about how much detail we want to get into here,” the staffer writes.

Another document is called “[Hillary Rodham Clinton] And Libya aftermath.” This section included an article titled, “University Of Texas Public Affairs Professor On Secretary Clinton’s Role In Libya: ‘She Screwed Up.’”

There are also various documents similar to the Libya one, in which news articles which look negatively upon Hillary are listed. An example of this is “HRC and Haiti”:

Wall Street Journal‘s O’Grady: The Caracol Industrial Park In Haiti Was Launched By Secretary Clinton “With U.S. Taxpayer Money, Under The Supervision Of Her Husband Bill And His Clinton Foundation.” “On the fifth anniversary of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti remains a poster child for waste, fraud and corruption in the handling of aid. Nowhere is the bureaucratic ineptitude and greed harder to accept than at the 607-acre Caracol Industrial Park, a project launched by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with U.S. taxpayer money, under the supervision of her husband Bill and his Clinton Foundation.” [Mary Anastasia O’Grady column, Wall Street Journal, 1/11/15]

The DNC documents include defenses for Clinton’s stances on multiple issues, including her emails. “Secretary Clinton insisted that she followed every rule and went ‘above and beyond’ disclosure requirements,” reads the email defense.

According to the State Department’s IG report, “[Hillary] did not comply with the [State] Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.”


Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses the Planned Parenthood Action Fund in Washington, U.S. June 10, 2016. REUTERS/Gary Cameron 

The post Latest DNC leak exposes Clinton’s prep for defending fraud appeared first on TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles.

from TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles

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