Friday, February 10, 2017

Rick Wiles, Japan Relocates Jobs to America to Flee Fukushima Meltdown - from TRUNEWS

Are the Japanese elite brokering the relocation of technology and manufacturing to the U.S. to flee the Fukushima meltdown? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles discusses this exodus and President Trump’s America First trade proclamation jointly delivered with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Rick also addresses new information regarding the treasonous leak which led to the death of a Navy Seal in Yemen, and the why Christians should support a curtailment in Muslim migration from terror hot spots. In part 2, Doc Burkhart interviews a mother who caught her local school district propagandizing her child with Leftist politics, and Fior Hernandez speaks with Cissie Lynch Graham, the daughter of Franklin Graham, about why she supports the Travel Ban, specifically emphasizing on how Christian leaders must not confuse their assignment.


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