Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Charles Hugh Smith: Deep State Fractures Under Populist Revolution - from TRUNEWS

Is the Deep State fracturing under stress from the global populist revolution? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles details the shocking revelation from a top Obama administration official admitting President Trump’s transition team was under surveillance, the information was widely disseminated, and the agents involved actively tried to hide their tracks. Rick also discusses the ongoing nuclear escalation with North Korea and the latest investigative report from the Center of Medical Progress regarding the murdering of unborn babies by Planned Parenthood. In part 2, financial blogger Charles Hugh Smith joins the program to dissect the end game of the political elite, and Fior Hernandez shares the final report from her mission trip to Ecuador answering the elusive question: Who are Karissa and Marshall Washburn of Bless an Orphan?


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