Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What happened to AirAsia’s missing QZ8501? Here are the latest theories - from TRUNEWS

We have an insatiable need to find answers, and the disappearance of flight QZ8501 en route to Singapore with 162 souls on board has no doubt sparked countless quests across numerous fields.

Aviation experts are examining the data, conspiracy theorists are working up offbeat explanations, and grieving friends and family are seeking closure.

While Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the AirAsia crisis on Sunday was “not a mystery like the MH370 disappearance and not an atrocity like the MH17 shooting down”, the key question remains: What happened?

Most aviation experts agree that bad weather played some role in the disappearance of the AirAsia A320 aircraft.

Shortly before losing contact, the pilot requested permission to ascend to 38,000 feet to avoid thick cloud, Indonesian Transport Ministry official Djoko Murjatmodjo said. “The weather was not good.”

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The post What happened to AirAsia’s missing QZ8501? Here are the latest theories appeared first on Trunews:.

from Trunews: http://www.trunews.com/happened-airasias-missing-qz8501-latest-theories/


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