Monday, March 30, 2015

Dead bodies, meth labs and seven other secrets hotels are keeping - from TRUNEWS

What exactly took place in your hotel room before you arrived?

How clean is your bed? And is the guy next door paying less than you?

In most cases, the hotel doesn’t want you to know. We went looking for answers. Here are the nine things hotels do not want you to know about your room and how they operate the business.

People die

Sudden deaths can happen anywhere. It is so common that a recent article in Lodging Magazine addresses suicide prevention for hotel managers. In most cases hotels follow a “clean up and shut up” approach, making it hard to get statistics about how often room deaths occur.

We turned to hoping to debunk the oft-told story about a body found under a hotel mattress, but instead found that they label this story true. Apparently, it happens frequently. Lift that mattress before you crawl into bed, people!

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