Friday, July 31, 2015

Benghazi details found in Hillary Clinton’s emails - from TRUNEWS

More details have emerged about emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server, including that there was classified material from five different agencies and among the information were discussions about the situation in Benghazi, in which terrorists attacked a U.S. facility and killed four Americans.

Then the Obama administration dispatched officials to various television programs to claim it was a sudden violent response to an obscure online video.

The new details were released by McClatchy, which found that the Benghazi email was among those released to the public in May by the State Department.

It’s just the latest development in the scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton’s setup that used her own private server, instead of a government computer, for all her emails while she was secretary of state.

She turned over emails to the government after her tenure that she thought appropriate, and deleted those she wanted to delete.

During her campaign for the 2016 Democratic nomination to be president, she has over and over denied she got or sent classified information.

That’s even though two inspectors general have said the emails did contain secrets.

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