Monday, July 20, 2015

China deploys military hardware across Russia ahead of Army Games 2015 - from TRUNEWS

Chinese military personnel and hardware have been successfully deployed in military bases and maneuver areas across Russia preparing to take part in the International Army Games 2015 alongside 14 other nations, the Russian Defense Ministry reports.

The games, which could be described as the Olympics for military professionals, are to be held for the first time ever for two weeks from August 1 to August 15 in Russia. Participants are invited to demonstrate their skills in 13 different individual and team competitions, including the already-famous Tank Biathlon and Aviadarts.

The People’s Liberation Army of China has brought four Type-96 tanks to participate in the Tank Biathlon. Last year the Chinese took home a bronze medal in this event. The Chinese have also brought with them four infantry combat vehicles for the Suvorov Onslaught competition and 120mm self-propelled mortar-howitzer PLL-05 systems to take part in the Masters of Artillery fire contest and Russian-made Su-30MKK strike fighters for the Aviadarts

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