Thursday, April 21, 2016

Lawrence Wilkerson: 3-D printing AI and nano tech enabling rise of private robotic armies - from TRUNEWS

(TRUNEWS) Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson says the decentralization and advancements of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology are the future of warfare, and may enable the rise of modernized private robotic armies.

Wilkerson’s statements were made during an exclusive interview with Rick Wiles of TRUNEWS  on Thursday, while discussing the possibility that billionaires like George Soros could bring rise to a modern version of the East India Company.

“As were developing these new technologies particularly 3-D printing, nanotechnology, nano engineering, artificial intelligence and robotics, as were developing these now, we are reducing enormously the costs for some of the most sophisticated weapons to be in the world,” Wilkerson said.

These advancements, Wilkerson noted, are already being placed into conceptual practice. “With 3-D printing we have recently produced, in less than 16 hours, a drone that underwater went to the coast of France and back to the Eastern coast of the United States, underwater. You produce this drone with 3-D printing almost overnight, you hang some smart weapons on it like submarine killing torpedoes or smart mines, you take it out there and you kill a $4 billion Ohio class submarine. This is the future and if you make these kinds of weapons available to almost anyone in the world, at a reasonable price, I mean you can make this drone for about $100,000, its going to kill a $4 billion submarine, thats quite a price exchange there.”

Rick Wiles then asked “What about an army of robotic warriors,” to which Wilkerson answered “You’ve got it”, “It’s completely frightening”, and “I’ll be gone soon, I tell my students all the time Ive screwed this world up pretty bad for you, I hope you do a better job than my generation did.”

During the interview Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Rick Wiles also discussed:

  • Russian jets buzzing the USS Donald Cook, and the US led provocations in Europe
  • The Military Industrial Complex, and the warnings from Major General Smedley Butler and former President Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Collin Powell, and his brief to the UN security Council which led to the invasion of Iraq
  • Dick Cheney, the mastermind of the Al-Qaeda-Saddam false connection
  • George W. Bush’s role in the lie
  • Condoleezza Rice – the ‘Yes’ man
  • The failing US/Saudi petrodollar alliance
  • Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia
  • The reason the US will never end its war in Afghanistan
  • The rising tensions in the South China Sea
  • China’s land and maritime “New Silk Road”
  • NATO’s motives behind the Kosovo War
  • Benghazi and the assassination of Ambassador Stevens

For the full interview listen to the Thursday, April 21st  edition of TRUNEWS.

Lawrence Wilkerson


Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army soldier and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses on US national security. He also instructs a senior seminar in the Honors Department at the George Washington University entitled “National Security Decision Making.”

Lawrence Wilkerson | The Wilkerson Report


The post Lawrence Wilkerson: 3-D printing, AI, and nano tech enabling rise of private robotic armies appeared first on TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles.

from TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles

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