Friday, April 29, 2016

New film exposes alliance between Turkey, Saudi Arabia and ISIS - from TRUNEWS

(TRUNEWS) A new documentary released by RT shares eye witness testimony of the horrors of ISIS, as well as the intimate oil, weapons and manpower alliance between ISIS, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Titled, “In the Name of the Profit”, the 25-minute exposé takes the viewer to ground zero of the war against ISIS, as an RT Documentary crew travels through the ruins of Northern Syria with kurdish forces.

In the documentary, a 13 year old boy named Adbel Malek ibn Marwan told the film crew that “they [ISIS] wouldn’t be getting any weapons from Turkey if they weren’t shipping them oil.” The young boy from the crude-rich Syrian city of Shaddadi, who has worked as an oil refinery worker in the region for a couple years, said “they [ISIS] takes the oil and come back with guns,” implying that Turkey has a direct oil for weapons program with the jihadists.

The film crew also interviewed a captured ISIS fighter named Mohammed Ahmad Mohammed. Originally from Mecca in Saudi Arabia, the 27 year old was employed as an accountant by the jihadists. He joined ISIS in Syria by flying commercially to Istanbul, and then traveling through Turkey’s Southern border. “The formalities were a breeze,” Ahmad Mohammed said, adding that crossing the border wasn’t hard either.

“It was like.. crossing the street,” the detained jihadi civil servant said. “A man told me that Islamic State had erased the borders. That there were no borders. I’d heard of it, but I didn’t quite get it until I saw it myself.”

Ahmad Mohammed claimed that “If Turkey wanted to stop the refugee influx, it could have long ago.” He ended by highlighting the barbaric parallels between ISIS and US ally Saudi Arabia by saying: “ In Saudi Arabia we have the same Islam, the same hijab, etc. So why do I need Syria?”

The Saudi Arabian connection to this insidious union is evident in the high participation rate of their citizenry, both in skilled and unskilled labor. While exploring a hospital previously operated by ISIS, fighters with the People’s Protection Units (YPG) showed the RT crew a medical office where a Saudi Arabian doctor had been providing medical care to injured jihadists. Also in the room was Turkish labeled prescription medication, pharmaceutical drugs, and medical supplies.

Though retreating ISIS fighters attempted to shred all financial and operational documentation in buildings they occupied, YPG forces were able to recover countless passports, prison information cards and financial statements. In the passports — which were from various Islamic countries such as Tunisia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Libya and Saudi Arabia — the common theme was a ‘blood red’ official stamp from Turkish border officials in Istanbul.

The ISIS-Turkey connection is further cemented with the testimony of Muhammad Gazi Awad, another captured ISIS member who joined the jihadists when they seized Shaddadi. Awad said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan “is the father of ISIS.”

Also exposed in the documentary were the sudo-communist practices of the Kurdish YPG, many of whom follow the religion of Zoroastrianism. The YPG fighters, comprised of both young to middle age  men and women, uninformaly refer to each other as ‘comrades’, ominously reminiscent of terminology employed by the ruling communist party in the former Soviet Union.

Historians say Zoroastrianism was founded by Zoroaster in ancient Babylonia in the 6th Century. Zoroastrianists believe that there is one universal, transcendent, supreme god named Ahura Mazda, or the “Wise Lord” and an evil force called Angra Mainyu, or the “the bad spirit”. They believe these two opposing factions of good and evil are equal, eternal, and all powerful; and also believe in a works based salvation. These beliefs are in direct conflict with the infallible Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, making Zoroastrianism incongruous with Christianity.

Both Islam and Zoroastrianism have eerie similarities to communism which Rick Wiles has documented extensively on TRUNEWS for over 17 years to be both satanic in origin, and absolutely incompatible with Christianity.

TRUNEWS has previously reported that ISIS derives much of their funding through oil sales to Turkey, Israel and the West. Evidence submitted to the international community by Russian officials shows that the United States government and its NATO partners have been well aware of this insidious arrangement, and has been directly complicit in protecting its continuance.

A Kurdish fighter from the People's Protection Units (YPG) walks past a shop with Syrian national flags painted on its shutter in the southeast of Qamishli city, Syria, April 22, 2016. REUTERS/Rodi Said

A Kurdish fighter from the People’s Protection Units (YPG) walks past a shop with Syrian national flags painted on its shutter in the southeast of Qamishli city, Syria, April 22, 2016. REUTERS/Rodi Said

The post New film exposes alliance between Turkey, Saudi Arabia and ISIS appeared first on TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles.

from TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles

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