Monday, February 29, 2016

NY Times Whitewash confirms Obama shipped weapons to Libyan Jihadists - from TRUNEWS

(TRUNEWS) A report published by the New York Times confirms President Barack Obama worked with Hillary Clinton to ship weapons to Jihadists in Benghazi.

In the whitewashed piece titled “Hillary Clinton ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s fall”, NY Times writers Jo Becker and Scott Shane released a few interesting items including quotes from administration and state department officials and a Libyan rebel commander regarding Clinton and Obama’s covert arms dealing operations in Libya.

From the article, the NY times said “President Obama ultimately took her side, according to the administration officials who described the debate. After he signed a secret document called a presidential finding, approving a covert operation, a list of approved weaponry was drawn up. The shipments arranged by the United States and other Western countries generally arrived through the port of Benghazi and airports in eastern Libya, a Libyan rebel commander said.”

Included in this list of approved weaponry signed off by Obama, one State Department official told the NY times that there were Humvees, counterbattery radar, and TOW missiles. This official noted that “we [State Department] were definitely giving them lethal assistance. We’d crossed that line.”


The NY times story blamed the problem in Libya on Qatar aiding Jihadists and Obama’s unwillingness to defy the oil state. But that claim that we had to arm terrorists to fight Qatar’s arming of terrorists doesn’t seem to make much sense when contrasted to the information presented in a scathing column by Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano, who noted that Clinton directed U.S. Forces to turn a blind eye to Qatar’s weapons shipments instead of blocking them.

The NY Times story also mentioned a competition between Qatar and the United Arab Emirates over arming the Libyan locals, but fails to clarify that Qatar was arming solely Jihadist fighters, while the UAE had taken an anti-Islamist line.

It also failed to clarify that Qatar was financially backing the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group which has enjoyed questionable levels of protection from both Clinton and Obama.

U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deliver remarks during a transfer ceremony of the remains of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens and three other Americans killed this week in Benghazi, at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, September 14, 2012. Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans died after gunmen attacked the lightly fortified U.S. consulate and a safe house refuge in Benghazi on Tuesday night. REUTERS/Jason Reed

U.S. President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton REUTERS/Jason Reed


The biggest irony from the article lies in its failure to mention that NATO initially sold their bombing campaign in Libya as “humanitarian intervention”, though their mostly kinetic intervention eventually enabled warlords and ISIS to take over one of Africa’s most successful nations.

In truth, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have bloodthirsty agendas. This is exemplified by Clinton’s quote “We Came, We Saw, He Died” in response to  NATO’s victory over Muammar Gaddafi’s sovereign government in Libya.

In reality, if their objective was to create a failed state, indirectly arm ISIS, and steal Libya’s natural resources and physical gold reserves,  then mission accomplished.

The post NY Times Whitewash confirms Obama shipped weapons to Libyan Jihadists appeared first on TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles.

from TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles

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